Understanding Big Data Technology, Benefits, and How It Works

Big data technology is now a familiar term to hear in the digital era like now. The rapid development of technology has brought us to an era where a collection of information is a very important asset.

But what is big data? What are the benefits for business? How does it work? How important is its use for business?

To find out the answer, let’s continue to listen to the Mahadata discussion below!

What is Big Data?

Big Data Technology

Big data Technology is a term used to describe large volumes of data with complex and difficult to manage variations, both structured and unstructured data.

On the other hand, this data set is growing every day at a breakneck speed. So that conventional data processing software in general cannot manage it.

However, these massive volumes of data can be used to address a number of previously unsolvable business problems. For example, to help website users collect data such as purchase rates or website traffic easily.

Then, where does this data come from? Mahadata originates from internet activities that are continuously carried out, both by individuals and businesses. Where the existing data and information continues to increase sharply along with the number of internet users, resulting in a large data set which is called mahadata.

What Are the Characteristics of Big Data ?

A collection of data can be called mahadata if it meets a number of criteria that are characteristic of the data itself.

Here are 5 (five) characteristics of Mahadata which are called 5V:


As the name suggests, one of the main characteristics of mahadata is the huge volume or amount of mahadata. If a data does not have a large quantity, then the data cannot be categorized as big data.


The next characteristic is the velocity of data production, which includes data input and usage.

With the growth of the internet of things (IoT), the data transfer process can take place very quickly and can change in real-time .


Then there are the characteristics of variety or variation. What this means is that the data takes a variety of forms and comes in various formats, such as e-mail , video, images, sound, even financial transactions.

Variations in the form of this data can also be divided into several types of data, namely structured, semi-structured and unstructured data.


The characteristic of veracity refers to the quality of mahadata. Mahadata accuracy is an important thing that must be considered. This is because the data obtained can come from a variety of different sources.

Thus, it will be difficult to link, match, clean, or modify data across systems. So that big data managers must connect and correlate relationships, hierarchies, and the number of existing relationships.

If this is not done, then the data obtained can quickly get out of control and cause errors or errors in the process which will have quite a big impact.


The last characteristic is value or value. In this case, mahadata has an important value and role in making it easier for users to access information and data quickly.

What are the Benefits of Big Data Technology for Business?

Big Data Platform Tools

Mahadata offers various benefits that can be obtained by many groups, especially businesses. Here are some of the benefits of using mahadata.

1. Increase efficiency

Using digital technology tools that use big data, such as Google Search Engine, Google Maps, Google Earth, to various social media platforms, can increase your business efficiency.

By using these tools, you can easily multitask right from your desk without having to spend more time or money doing things related to your business.

2. Help compete with big business

You can use the same tools that big businesses use to keep you on the same footing.

By taking advantage of advanced technology tools based on mahadata, your business can become more sophisticated and can compete with larger businesses.

3. Allows you to focus on local preferences

If you own a small business, then you can use mahadata to focus on the local environment you serve. For example, such as magnifying the likes or dislikes, as well as the preferences of the clients around you even further.

4. Increase sales and loyalty

Digital footprints can reveal a lot about people’s preferences regarding shopping, trust, and so on.

Mahadata can enable businesses to tailor their products and services to what their customers want and need.

How Does Big Data Work?

Before you use big data for business, you must first know how it works so that the data you use will not be wasted.

The following are 5 (five) ways of working to implement mahadata:

Set strategy

In this case, the strategy in question is a plan designed to help you monitor and improve the way you acquire, store, manage, share, and use big data, both inside and outside your business.

This strategy can later manage the success of your business in the midst of the large amount of existing data. Then, when developing a strategy, it’s important to weigh your business goals and initiatives against existing technology.

Source identification

Mahadata obtained from the internet and other connected devices that flow into information technology systems from the devices used, such as computers, laptops, smart phones, and so on.

For this reason, it is very important for you to know the source of the big data obtained and decide which data to store and not, and which data needs further analysis.

Access, manage and store

Modern computing systems can allow you to have the speed, power, and flexibility needed to access the vast amount of megadata that will be used.

Along with reliable access, you also need a method to integrate, ensure quality, store, manage and prepare the big data that will later be used for analysis.

Do analysis

Analysis is urgently needed to gain value and insight from the huge data obtained. You can perform analysis with a variety of advanced technology tools that enable big data analysis for your business.

Make smart decisions

The final step is to make an intelligent decision based on the results of the mahadata analysis that has been obtained from the previous mahadata. For this reason, mahadata must be managed properly, using trusted mahadata which is analyzed reliably to be able to make the right decisions.

What is the Importance of Big Data for Business?

Here are some reasons why big data Technology is important for business.

1. Help you identify potential prospects

Information gathered from social media networks can be a source of detailed information about potential customers . For example, such as behavior and what is their interest. This will be very valuable and help marketers to target potential customers .

In addition, marketers and salespersons can also obtain information about location, age, education level, and demographic info to be able to form effective promotional campaigns. One example of a platform that provides this service is Facebook with Facebook Insights.

2. Allows brands to be discovered

Your products and services must be continuously developed, and the use of big data Technology can help with this. Marketers can see consumer patterns where their products still need improvement to suit customer needs .

3. Provide what the customer needs more accurately

Mahadata allows you to provide offers according to customer needs that make it difficult to refuse. At online retail like Amazon.com , 35% of sales come from product recommendations displayed by search engines , which come from maximum utilization of mahadata.

4. To help marketers create ads that really generate profits

Mahadata and its analysis are needed to improve customer targeting to be more effective. With the information provided, you can use social media and search engines more effectively by designing attractive campaigns and advertisements.

That way, you are sure to get lots of people paying attention, thus expanding sales . Platforms that can be used include Google Adwords and Facebook Ads .

5. There is an accurate measurement of the results of the campaign

You can also measure the success and overall performance of an ad or campaign that you run on various social media. With accurate results, automatically the money spent can also be managed wisely and efficiently in order to achieve the highest performance.

Top Big Data Companies To Look For

Let’s see a few details about these companies. Here are details about some top big data companies to consider:

1. Vention

Vention is a preferred partner for fast-growing startups and innovative companies, offering dedicated engineering teams and custom software solutions.

With headquarters in New York, they serve over 200 active clients globally, with 90 percent operating on the forefront of emerging technologies and markets.

Their agile dedicated teams of engineers specialize in various aspects of big data development, including artificial neural networks, AI algorithms, natural language processing, IoT solution development, big data cluster management, parallel computing, GPU processing, data governance, and real-time/batch processing.

2. InData Labs

InData Labs is a leading Big Data and AI technology company with a proven track record since 2014. They specialize in developing AI-powered solutions and provide consulting services for various industries.

Their services include architecture analysis, building big data pipelines, implementing architecture improvements, and data analysis and visualization tailored to clients’ specific needs.

3. ScienceSoft

ScienceSoft has been at the forefront of data management and AI since 1989, serving as a trusted partner for mid-sized and large businesses. They help build organization-wide big data platforms and dedicated solutions.

With an international network of 700+ experts, ScienceSoft offers a blend of creativity, innovation, and extensive experience across 30+ industries. Their solutions are known for being fast, fault-tolerant, secure, cost-effective, and user-friendly.

4. RightData

RightData is a data-focused product company that simplifies complex data operations. Their self-service products streamline data ingestion, unification, structuring, cleansing, validation, transformation, and loading into target data platforms.

RightData empowers businesses to gain insights through reporting, analytics, advanced analytics, and machine learning modeling capabilities.

5. Integrate.io

Integrate.io is a cloud-based data integration, ETL, and ELT platform that facilitates streamlined data processing. It allows organizations to bring together various data sources and create simple, visualized data pipelines to their data lake.

The platform offers immediate results, including designing data flows, scheduling jobs, processing structured and unstructured data, and enabling easy integration, processing, and preparation of data for analysis in the cloud.

Integrate.io provides a team of top data experts, engineers, and DevOps, offering solutions for marketing, sales, support, and developers.

6. Oxagile

Oxagile is a comprehensive software development provider specializing in big data. They cover data engineering, data analysis and visualization, data and pipeline migration, and offer end-to-end assistance in consulting, solution design, and implementation.

Oxagile helps medium and large enterprises, as well as product start-ups, address challenges related to scalability, efficiency, data system reliability, security, big data tool selection, data clustering, parallel processing, TCO optimization, and more. They employ gold-standard open-source tools and up-to-date cloud data services.

7. Innowise Group

Innowise Group is a data software development company that leverages the power of big data to help businesses improve efficiency and grow. With over a decade of experience, their team provides a range of services, including big data consulting, development, analytics, visualization, mining, and automation.

They offer expertise in structuring and analyzing data, building high-quality software, visualization of reports, exploring data through visualization, mining hidden patterns, and automating data processing and analysis.

8. IBM

IBM is a prominent American company headquartered in New York. It is the largest vendor for Big Data-related products and services.

IBM offers various solutions, including Hadoop systems for storing and processing large volumes of data, stream computing for in-motion analytics, federated discovery and navigation software, and BigInsights for Apache Hadoop and BigInsights on Cloud. They also provide analytics applications like Cognos and SPSS.

9. HP Enterprise (Micro Focus)

HP Enterprise, now part of Micro Focus, offers a strong portfolio of Big Data products. Their Vertica Analytics Platform manages large volumes of structured data, providing the fastest query performance on Hadoop and SQL Analytics.

Other featured software and services include IDOL, which enables analysis of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data, breaking barriers between machines and humans.

10. Teradata

Teradata, founded in 1974, provides an analytic data platform, marketing, consulting services, and analytics applications.

Their products include the Integrated Data Warehouse for powerful data management, Kylo for increased productivity using reusable templates, Aster Big Analytics Appliance for generating business insights, and Data Mart Appliance for leveraging the analytical power of the Teradata database.

These companies offer a range of expertise and solutions in big data, enabling organizations to harness the potential of their data and drive business growth.

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