Most Popular Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Technology Company

According to the Britannica dictionary, artificial intelligence (AI) is a simulation or imitation of human intelligence that is processed by machines, especially computer systems. The main function of artificial intelligence is system updating, language processing, dialog understanding, to the visual engine.

Artificial intelligence is a concept that has long interacted with human life. We can find the use of artificial intelligence ranging from things as simple as playing video games, to heavy tasks such as making investment decisions and operating industrial machines.

Many companies are competing to apply artificial intelligence technology in business activities. This is believed to take over the role of humans in repetitive tasks and eliminate the risk of human error

Artificial intelligence is also believed to be able to improve corporate image as well as assist companies in developing the products and services offered. One of the most commonly used components of artificial intelligence is machine learning

These components enable enterprise hardware and software devices to collect and process data more efficiently and accurately than human volumes can process. The most popular programming languages ​​used in artificial intelligence projects are Python, R and Java.

So that you can take advantage of the sophistication of artificial intelligence in your daily life, let’s read the full explanation in the article below!

Definition of AI (Artificial intelligence)

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence or AI is a computer system that works by digesting large amounts of data (big data) and then processing it to find patterns and correlations.

Through the patterns and correlations found, artificial intelligence will predict what might happen in the future. In other words, artificial intelligence is a large statistical engine that is used to predict the future using past data.

One example of artificial intelligence is a chatbot or message receiving program. Through the data collected, the chatbot will process the data and recognize patterns that often emerge through previous conversations. 

This data will be used by the chatbot to answer the conversation that the user submitted to him. The more data that is collected and processed, the better the answers provided by the chatbot.

The AI ​​program focuses on three cognitive skills namely learning, reasoning and self-correction.

Learning processes include all the steps required by artificial intelligence to collect data. This step focuses on the process of collecting data and making special instructions which are commonly called algorithms. Through an algorithm, the computer will get all the necessary instructions to complete a certain task.

After that, artificial intelligence entered a realm called reasoning processes. At this stage, all data that has been successfully collected will be analyzed to find certain patterns carried out by the algorithm.

The final step in artificial intelligence is self-correction processes. At this stage artificial intelligence will correct or evaluate the mistakes made so that the results obtained in the future will be even better. 

An example of this stage is the  artificial intelligence program in the game AlphaGo. Where artificial intelligence simulates millions of games and defeats experienced and then evaluates. 

From this process, artificial intelligence is able to design better game strategies so that they can beat the best AlphaGo athletes in the world.

A Brief History of AI / Artificial Intelligence

It is difficult to understand AI without discussing the main supporting component of AI, namely the algorithm. 

Back in the middle of the 9th century, a mathematician and astronomer named Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi or better known as Al-Khwarizmi started his hard work on introducing algorithms.

In his work, Al-Khwarizmi introduced the world to the use of decimals, systematic solutions to linear and quadratic equations, and made algorithms a standard for carrying out computational tasks. 

Al-Khwarizmi’s work was continued by other great scientists such as Euclid, Archimedes, Eratosthenes, to Adelard de Bath who first used the term algorithm after translating Al-Khwarizmi’s book from Arabic.

Substantial use of algorithms began in the mid-20th century by a computer and logic expert named Alan Mathison Turing in 1935. Alan Turing created a device that could store memory and read what was stored in the device which would become known as universal Turing machines.

The first successful AI program was created in 1951 by Christopher Strachey who later served as director of the Programming Research Group at the University of Oxford. The term AI itself was introduced in 1956 by John McCarthy at the first artificial intelligence conference.

Until finally in 2002 the first vacuum cleaner robot was successfully created followed by several decades later we can experience various kinds of AI services starting from GPT Chat, Open AI, Alexa, Siri, and many more.

The Importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Today’s World

The term artificial intelligence has an important role in the world of computer science. The term artificial intelligence has become increasingly popular since the increase in the ability of Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning.

Machine learning is a special area where artificial intelligence is responsible for various activities without relying on human decisions. Artificial intelligence is able to learn, adapt and work much faster than humans. 

Coupled with its ability to integrate with IoT and robotics, it makes a machine capable of working and learning at a level that can match human performance.

With artificial intelligence, human life becomes easier. It can be said that artificial intelligence technology is a great asset created to improve the quality of human life.

Artificial intelligence is able to increase work speed and processes with a high level of accuracy and precision. Not only does it improve repetitive work performance, artificial intelligence is also able to help humans make complex decisions with Big Data analysis.

Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology

Over the past few years, advances in AI technology have opened many people’s eyes to the true potential of AI. If you are a programmer, maybe you are familiar with GitHub Copilot, an AI that converts natural language into programming code. 

For those of you who like to create content, maybe you have used OpenAI GPT-3 to generate scripts quickly. Now Ai has become a technology that touches almost all aspects of human life.

Some of us may have spent hours playing with DALL-E 2. For those who don’t know, DALL-E 2 is an AI text-to-image generator that can generate realistic images just by typing a word.

You can get very realistic results even from something very strange and unprecedented, say a picture of a giraffe shopping at the supermarket.

But how many of us are able to discover the true potential of AI. DALL-E 2 doesn’t generate an image of something that has existed before, instead it creates an image of a complicated process called diffusion

This process produces image elements until they finally match the description you wrote. Imagine if you were a digital artist, illustrator or graphic designer, how many changes you could experience by adopting artificial intelligence technology in your life.

Types of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

For now, we only know two types of artificial intelligence, namely Weak AI and Strong AI. Weak AI is a type of artificial intelligence that requires input from humans to complete certain tasks. For example, Alexa and Siri require voice input from humans to perform certain tasks.

Meanwhile, Strong AI is a type of artificial intelligence that does not require input from humans to do its job. For example, Tesla’s Self-Driving Car, which only relies on the sensors in their car to know the surrounding environment. 

Starting from reading traffic signs, avoiding obstacles, recognizing turns, to finding efficient travel routes. 

Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Various Industries

The benefits of artificial intelligence have been applied to many aspects of human life, from health, finance, and even the military. 

Artificial intelligence applications are felt to provide many benefits in reducing human burdens and presenting faster and more accurate performance. Here are some applications of artificial intelligence in everyday life:


In the medical aspect, Artificial intelligence has a significant role that is changing the face of the medical industry today. 

Artificial intelligence has long been used to produce algorithms that can predict whether a patient has cancer potential or not through symptoms, health records, and family genetics. Artificial intelligence is also able to provide information about the patient’s body condition and provide the right health advice.

Artificial intelligence is even capable of becoming a virtual assistant capable of monitoring and treating patients 24 hours non-stop. Through Machine learning, Artificial intelligence  is able to learn to serve humans even better.


Artificial intelligence plays an important role in handling financial transactions in banking networks. Not only banking, capital markets and other financial institutions now also rely heavily on AI performance which has minimal errors and has a high level of accuracy.

Using machine learning models, Artificial intelligence is even able to identify criminal activities such as money laundering

Suspicious credit card transactions will be tracked geographically by artificial intelligence so that customers who use credit cards are safe from thieves. This will certainly greatly ease the task of law enforcement officials in overseeing national financial traffic. 


The most important thing in transportation safety is now successfully optimized thanks to the use of AI. Artificial intelligence is able to give precise instructions to the pilot through the control tower. 

This was previously very difficult to do without AI given the amount of flight data that is too large for humans to analyze quickly and efficiently.

Artificial intelligence is able to provide navigational guidance, technical instructions, and a quick scan of the condition of the vehicle to be used. This allows humans to get comfort and safety with any mode of transportation, from planes, trains, to ships. 

Military and Defense

The speed of Artificial intelligence in processing data is also used by the military to provide the best defense. High-speed air attacks are certainly difficult for the human eye to anticipate. 

By utilizing AI that is integrated with various adequate defense tools, now high-speed attacks with random patterns can be handled with guidance from AI.

The Future of AI

Artificial intelligence develops at an exponential rate over time, this of course can provide a competitive advantage to every party that successfully adopts this technology. Imagine a company that can automate repetitive jobs like manufacturing. 

Or what if AI is able to provide objective assessments in recruiting employees, sorting CVs, conducting debt risk assessments, collecting and analyzing consumer data, and so on. This will make companies that do not adopt AI lose their competitiveness.

Top 7 Technology Companies Based on Artificial Intelligence

Experts confirm that AI will continue to make a big impact on the industry in 2022 and beyond. This is supported by the condition of the pandemic that is currently sweeping the world. So that many artificial intelligence-based technology companies are making new breakthroughs.

The pandemic has taught us several lessons and opened our minds to new possibilities for doing business. Even the opportunities that bring profit have been read by technology companies based on artificial intelligence in the world.

Facts prove that artificial intelligence and machine learning have supported several professional jobs such as doctors, researchers, artists, engineers, and even government administrators.

Currently, artificial intelligence-based technology companies are preparing AI tools and software   that can improve their work processes, reduce or eliminate errors, and analyze data on a large scale.


Google was one of the first tech companies to embrace AI since the world started to understand the importance of technology. The company is one of the pioneers of several advanced AI devices, tools and applications.

Recently, a new Google Health study has revealed that with the help of AI, the company has made significant inroads in the identification of genetic diseases and promoting the equivalence of genomic tests.

2. Apples

Apple is a multinational technology company that adopts advanced AI, cloud, and other disruptive technologies. According to reports, 2021 is one of the best years for Apple in India.

The company’s researchers and scientists collaborate with software developers and scientists to integrate AI into the core of all its electronic devices. In this way, companies aim to create the best storage facilities in the world, while enhancing their user experience and personal data.


Microsoft is actively exploring  AI technologies in 2022. The company is targeting the development of artificial intelligence with a focused approach to Microsoft Viva. They also continue to work on advances in Microsoft Teams software.

This technology giant has developed many artificial intelligence-based products such as  Microsoft AI. Microsoft AI is a powerful framework for developing AI solutions in  conversational AI,  machine learning,  data sciences,  robotics, IoT and others.

4. Tesla

Tesla has partnered with several other major tech companies to accelerate AI model training procedures to enable them to recognize key specs from Tesla’s in-vehicle camera video feed. Experts also believe that Tesla’s initiatives towards robotics will create a new wave in the technology industry in 2022.

Some of Tesla’s AI products  that we know are automatic electric cars, FSD and Dojo chips, Dojo systems, neural networks, Tesla Bot, and many others.

5.Meta (Facebook)

Facebook has made several breakthroughs with the help of artificial intelligence. The company is concentrating on AI tools and platforms to make an immediate impact. The algorithm can detect dangerous content and protect platform users.

Facebook has also entered into partnerships to work collaboratively to develop MRI scans that are faster and assist disaster relief efforts. Not to mention that recently Meta has taken the world of Metaverse by storm, which allows people to enter a three-dimensional virtual world.

6. Amazons

Amazon boasts  mature AI innovation across multiple platforms such as e-commerce, logistics, warehousing and many more. Today, companies widely use AI to drive personalized product recommendations with the help of sophisticated algorithms.

7. Alibaba

Alibaba is one of the world’s largest e-commerce marketplaces, home to several innovation research labs in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Alibaba’s DAMO Academy report reveals that an AI- based approach will enable new paradigm algorithms. Its integration into renewable energy sources and then into existing power grids will solve some of the industry’s challenges. 

Apart from the seven artificial intelligence-based technology companies above, there are still other technology giants such as Capgemini, NVidia, and IBM which are working on a large-scale development of AI technology.


Artificial intelligence is a technology capable of changing the human paradigm of how we should work. 

With the development of AI supporting technologies such as cloud computing, IoT, to Big Data, AI will be the only option to continue to survive. Instead of viewing it as a threat, it would be wiser to treat AI as an opportunity for growth.

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