Unveiling the Best Digital Marketing Tools of the Year 2023

Best Digital Marketing Tools– Digital marketing is now a must-have if a business wants to grow. The role of digital marketing in building brand awareness and increasing sales through digital channels is very important. The simplest example of digital marketing activity is the presence of a website and social media as a strategy.

Just like other jobs, to support digital marketing activities a set of tools is also needed to make it easy and help carry out digital marketing. This set of tools is not only limited to advertising platforms, but also includes tools used for conducting research to analytics.

What are the digital marketing tools that you must know and use? Here’s the explanation!

Best Free Digital Marketing Tools Recommendations

Best Free Digital Marketing Tools

Digital marketing tools are software or web-based solutions designed to assist businesses in their marketing efforts. These tools can help with various aspects of digital marketing, such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, content creation, analytics, and more.

Some examples of digital marketing tools include social media management platforms, email marketing software, website analytics tools, keyword research tools, and content management systems. By using these tools, businesses can streamline their marketing processes, improve their reach and engagement, and ultimately, achieve their marketing goals more efficiently.

1. Google Trends

Are you running out of ideas for creating content? Or want to know what trend is happening now or a few months before? You can use a free tool provided by Google, namely Google Trends.

Google Trends is a useful search trends feature that shows how often a particular search term is entered into the Google search engine relative to a site’s total search volume over a given time period. You can use Google Trends to search or compare keywords.

2. Mailchimp

MailChimp is a tool used for social advertising and email marketing in managing and automating digital marketing campaigns. This is one of the best digital marketing tools you can use to improve your campaigns and track the traffic generated.

In addition, these tools allow you to integrate with other platforms, thus making these tools quite efficient for conducting email marketing campaigns.

3. Hootsuite

If you manage two or more social media platforms, you can use Hootsuite tools. These tools are tools that are used as social media management tools with features to help plan, schedule, and syndicate social posts. Key features include auto-scheduling, social media monitoring, performance reporting, basic task management, and more.

This Hootsuite tool can be integrated with various other social media sites such as: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare, MySpace, to WordPress.

4. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the most powerful digital marketing tools. These tools allow you to track and analyze the digital marketing campaigns and strategies that you are running through various kinds of data taken from the digital marketing channels that you use.

Google Analytics can show you who comes to your website, from where, and on which pages they spend most of their time. Plus, you can set up goals to track conversions, create enhanced ecommerce setups, and track events to learn more about user engagement.

5.Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool from Google that also helps users measure website traffic. In contrast to Google Analytics which is used for all organic and non-organic campaigns, Google Search Console gives you insight into how a website is performing in organic search and ways to make adjustments to sites in Google’s index.

These tools also give you insight into how well your website is in mobile and desktop use, see keyword performance, to fix technical issues that occur on your website.

6. DataStudio

Data Studio is a data visualization tool that allows you to create reports that are easier to create and understand. These tools allow you to get data sets from various places into one location so that you can turn this information into reports that are easy for ordinary people to understand.

These reports on Data Studio are easy to read, easy to share, and even customizable for each of your clients. This tool is also interactive so you can adjust the data according to the time of the campaign.

7. Ahrefs

Ahrefs offers a suite of search engine optimization tools , making it easier for you to optimize your website based on your campaign needs. These tools are used to check backlinks , indexing data, search keywords to competitor research.

This tool also allows you to find out your website’s ranking on Google Search, so you can track how effective your SEO strategy is.

8. Semrush

SEMRUSH is an all-in-one marketing tool that helps grow online business visibility with SEO, content marketing, market research, advertising, social media management and search engine reputation management. With these tools, you will be able to better understand and manage your digital marketing campaigns.

9. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a plugin that is most often used on WordPress to optimize websites so that they can produce better performance on Google Search.

Yoast SEO helps you to see how effective your website is by helping submit sitemaps, manage keywords, create content, use webmaster tools to see other aspects that might make your website performance even better.

10. Trello

Trello is a collaboration app that allows you to manage multiple projects in one place. With Trello, everyone on the project can see what’s being worked on, who’s working on it, and how far they’ve come.

Trello has a variety of features that can be used for tracking , collaborating, and as a reminder of project deadlines. Some of the features in Trello include Boards, Cards, Lists, Menus and so on.

11. Canva

Becoming a digital marketer means you have to be ready for any situation and have additional skills, including designing. You don’t need to master Photoshop or Illustrator tools to create a design. You only need a tool called Canva.

Canva is a very easy-to-use design tool with lots of features in it. Canva already provides many templates that you can use right away. Not only for designing content, Canva can also be used to create Power Points, Landing Pages, Content Calendars, and so on. Interestingly, Canva can be integrated with various other platforms.

12. Ad Library Facebook

Want to see what ads your competitors are running on Facebook? You can use the Facebook Ads Library. The Facebook ads library is a free feature owned by Facebook or Meta that displays all ads that appear on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger to the Audience Network.

In this tool you can see all the ads that are currently showing, complete with the broadcast date, the platform used, the images to the copywriting used. Apart from seeing competitors, through this tool you can also get ad references that you can run.

13. Populix

Surveys are something that is very important to collect feedback, opinions, criticisms and suggestions from the general public and customers. To make your survey more interesting, you can use tools like Poplite by Populix .

Poplite by Populix is ​​a self-service survey service to help all your business and academic needs. The advantage that you can get is that you can create a survey that is ready to be filled by more than 300,000 people. so you don’t need to look for respondents again

14. Buzzsumo

If you work managing social media influencers , this tool is perfect for use. These tools help you to connect with social media influencers . Apart from that, this tool can also be used to look for ongoing trends as content research. You can search for topics that are being talked about a lot on social media and determine what content you can make.

15. Hubspot CRM

HubSpot CRM tools provide email tracking and notifications, lead tracking, meeting scheduling, and live chat options. On top of that, HubSpot’s wide range of features and ease of use make this platform stand out from the crowd.

Those are 15 recommended tools for digital marketing. However, if you are still confused about using the tools above, you can learn about it by joining a digital marketing bootcamp

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